Game Developer & Software Engineer

Unity Development Projects

"Space Cadet VR" - February-March 2021

I built this Virtual Reality Interactive Experience in Unity 3D during the GameDevHQ VR Intensive Training program using GameDevHQ Filebase assets.

  • Extended Oculus Integration Package aka OVR

  • Wrote performant code and systems from scratch

  • Used Abstract Classes

  • Modular and event driven systems

  • Made use of Cinemachine dolly tracks and controlled them through code and Timeline

  • Manager classes utilized the MonoSingleton design pattern

"Mech Tower Defense Game" - June-July 2020

I built this game in Unity 3D during the GameDevHQ Intensive Training program using GameDevHQ Filebase assets. All features were coded from scratch in C#, I also created a custom Editor tool for testing that included the ability to modify warfunds, lives, and change or pause game speed. The tool also made it possible to place towers by towerID, upgrade towers and clear towers.

  • Modular and event driven systems

  • Scriptable object wave system

  • Navmesh and enemy AI

  • Manager classes utilized the MonoSingleton design pattern

  • Blended animations

  • UI color changes according to amount of lives

  • Object pooling with a custom class that caches reference to script and GameObject at start implemented for optimal performance and minimal garbage collection.

  • Custom camera controller implemented to move up, down, left and right with WASD keys or mouse. Zoom in and out with mouse wheel.

Galaxy Shooter - Unity 2D space shooter - March 2020

This game I built with Unity for part of the regular GameDevHQ 2D certification track. Using some 2d GDHQ assets and others I created from scratch or modified.

I coded features from scratch including thrusters power level slider ,ammo slider and other UI, different enemy types and enemy AI, homing missile and other weapon behaviors.

"XR Tools Test" - Built with Unity 3D - July 2020

  • Drag and drop functionality from the UI "tool" slots

  • When dropped, if the piece is compatible with the one it is dropped on, it will request the correct piece from the pool and snap it into the correct position.

  • Object pooling with a custom class that caches reference to script and GameObject at start implemented for optimal performance and minimal garbage collection.

  • Customized transparent materials applied to each blank object.

  • Custom camera controller implemented to move up, down, left and right with WASD keys or mouse.